Emms Ventures Limited registered with the company house (reg-number 09695986)T/A Emms Care Services was registered to provide health and social care services since July 2015.
The desire to provide holistic care in a person-centered mannercontributed to the drive to establish this brand-new service where we take direct charge of the entirety of caregiven to our clients. The director has with his expansive skills, experience and qualification in the field of health and social care pulled resources of over three decades of combined experience of individuals with relevant skills to get this company started.
We have a robust recruitment process focusing on the highest quality of care staff and the most up to date training regime, hence the reason we are able to provide not just a person centered but the highest standard in health and social care.
Our staff members make utmost use of the specialist training we provide them in the provision of care service to our current client group who for now are young and older adults. They may have age related difficulties , medical or physical health challenge and or mental health needs.

Our Business Values
We will formulate long-term plans and from them, short-terms plans. Resources will be allocated to long-term plans.
We will recognize that commonly accepted levels of service satisfaction are no longer acceptable and will commit ourselves to researching best practice and continuous improvement to achieve that level of excellence.
Quality assurance will be based on continuous improvement principles and we will promote a culture where responsibility for quality service is shouldered by all staff.
We recognize that lowest price does not also necessarily provide best value, and neither does highest price. We will examine all supply relationships, and focus on those which, as part of long-term planning and relationships, provide lowest total cost, not merely initial cost.
We will constantly improve the system for planning and service delivery and promote innovation. Managers will focus on their role of continually working on the system.
Staff, including managers, will be encouraged to constantly update and improve their skills, taking a blended learning approach.
Managers will focus on quality, consistently communicate that focus and be action oriented.
We will encourage effective, two-way communication in order to drive anxiety out of Emms Ventures Limited, so that everybody can work effectively together.
We will break down barriers between departments and staff areas and encourage everyone to work in cross- dimensional teams.
We will remove any barriers which limit workers in their ability to take pride in their workmanship.
Emms Ventures Limited needs good people with modest level of education willing to come forward towards company’s objective of constantly improving staff skills, quality and standards along with its ambitions.
We will clearly define top management’s permanent commitment to ever-improving quality and productivity, and our obligation to implement all of these principles. Implementation implies a dedication to action.